ComminiMail Help
Menu item Description
Mail List Menu

At Mail List Menu you able to manage your Mail Lists. You could add new Mail List using "Create New List" button. You could Import contacts to the Mail List using Import link. Also you could Edit, Export and Remove the Mail List here. For manage contacts click to MailList Contacts link then you'll go to CommuniMail Contacts menu where you'll find all contacts from the Mail List.

If you click on Mail List Contacts you'll go to CommuniMail Contacts menu. Here you're able to Add contact, Edit and Remove each contact. You could activate/disactivate bunch of contacts. Select checkboxes then push update button for do it. Some bunch operation available for Export and Remove contacts. Just select checkboxes and push corresponding button below the checkboxes. Serach by Mail List contacts function also available here.

At Import Form you able import contacts from csv file and text area. Just select file and push Import button. Or copy-paste emails in Text area (one email per line should be there) then push Import button. For find csv file format make Export firts then edit info which you ned then make Import. In the case you no need create file header. (It will be created while export). Importing CSV File should contain first row with predefined column names.

If you click Export you'll see open/save file dialog. You could open it if you have MS Excel installed. Or you could save it.

If you need to transfer all contacts from one Mail List to another just go in Lists menu, click Export button on list you want transfer contacts from and save all contacts from that list to CSV file. Then click Import button on list you want transfer contacts to and choose saved CSV file.

If you need to transfer only some contacts from one Mail list to another, go in Contacts menu of List you want to transfer from and choose desired contacts, then click Export button. Then go to Contacts menu of List you wanna transfer to and click Import button, then choose saved CSV file.


Send Request List Here you could View Status and Statistics of created Send Requests. Edit and Remove it.

When you click New campaign you'll go to Send Request Form. Here you can create new Send Request. Fill required fields (marked by *) and push Save/Preview button. Then you'll be able to preview TEXT and HTML versions of mail which will be send to all contacts in Mail List.
Please create at least one Message before you create Send Request because this field is required.
Send Delay field mean delay in seconds between sending each mail in quene.


Here you able to Add, Edit and Remove messages for mass emailing. Each message has associated Tex body and HTML body. You could fill the mail body by text and special tags.

Personalization tag support. There can be several special fields used in message body for personalizing this email, adding unsubscribe URL and for tracking stats image. This done by specifiying special tags like %name%, where is name - is different personalization fields, as follows:
- %name%- replaced with name of contact
- %prefix% - replaced with name prefix contact
- %email% - replaced with email of person
- %email2% - replaced with second email of person
- %company% - replaced with company of contact
- %title% - replaced with title of contact
- %text_unsubscribe_url% replaced with unsubscribe URL in Text Body
- %html_unsubscribe_url% replaced with unsubscribe URL in HTML body
- %trackimage_url% - replaced with trackimage URL

Signup Form Templates

Here you're able to Add, Edit and Remove SignUp Form templates for user subscribing. Each template has associated Form body. There are default Form body and Signup confirmation templates loaded when you create new Signup Form template. Signup Form automatically creating for every new Mail List created. After you'll add new form you could preview signup form and copy link to the form for put into you site etc.

Create at least one Mail List before add Sign Up form template. Because all your Mail Lists automatically added in Form Body for help you. If you no need some of Mail Lists at the form just remove corresponding code from Form Body.

There are 3 types of signup pages: simple, extended, multiple. Simple and Extended tied to specific Mailing List. Simple collect only email and extended collect all contact info field. Both could be customized. Multiple type is not tied to any Mailing List and give users ability to subscribe to any Mailing List you have in system (using checkboxes).

Logout You could logout from CommuniMail Mail using the menu item.
Wizard Using this section you can easily create new mail campaign step by step from begining till the end.